Saturday, February 2, 2008

TAOTAO TANO CNMI is concern........

FEBRUARY 02, 2008 made a request to Tina Sablan for a copy of her house bill "ANIMAL CRUELTY" be furnish to Taotao Tano CNMI Association, Inc. for further research.

February 02, 2008, a child/student had commented on "cruelty law" House Bill which await's passage by the 16th legislature. Does this child understand the language of this law? On the other hand she claims she's a student of WSR and her teacher is Mrs. Ain. Has Mrs. Ain introduced this issue to her students? Did this teacher made her students understand the language of this house bill? The concequencies of this law if implimented? If she did not, then this teacher is mis-representing this information to her students at WSR elementary school. On the other hand, why is William S. Reyes Elementary School allowing the discussion of House Bills in class rooms to 6th graders?

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